Meeting Caller extension

Meeting Caller


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Download and Install the Meeting Caller extension 1.3.2 for Chrome.



Meeting Caller extension for Chrome

Enhance your Chrome browsing—grab the Meeting Caller Extension. As Chrome continues to establish itself as the world’s premier browser, our extension complements it perfectly, providing a quality boost to your daily internet use. Whether it’s enhanced features or improved content assistance, our extension is designed to elevate your browsing with each passing day. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimize your Chrome experience — download the Meeting Caller Extension now and discover a new level of seamless, high-quality browsing.

If you wish to download the Meeting Caller extension into the latest version of Chrome, a straightforward process awaits you. Follow the steps below to seamlessly download and install any extensions you desire for your browsing needs.

Download Meeting Caller extension for Chrome: stands out as a highly favored alternative for Chrome browser users seeking a free download of the Meeting Caller extension. Unlike other platforms, this website allows you to download extensions without the hassle of registration. For an even more streamlined experience, consider exploring better solutions available on this website. Notably, Meeting Caller falls under the Communication category within the Chrome web store.

Regardless, acquiring the free Meeting Caller extension is a straightforward process. Simply visit our website to comprehend the download procedure; no advanced technical skills are needed to save the files on your computer. So, why wait? Proceed now!

Meeting Caller Extension Features:

Meeting Caller will call you when a meeting in your Google calendar is due to start.

Do you ever miss meetings because you didn’t notice the notification or you simply lost track of time? Meeting Caller will play a sound to alert you when a meeting starts. You can accept or reject the call within the extension and accepting the call will open the Google Meet in a new tab!

Your calendar is checked every 10 minutes for updates and will show you your meetings for the next 12 hours. Settings allows you to control which meeting response types calls you. Maybe you only want accepted meetings to call you, this defaults to accepted, maybe and “requires action”.

This extension does not store/use any of your calendar data other than to display it to you and to set the alarms.

As per Google’s strong suggestion, your authorisation token is not stored in Chrome storage. Once logged in, your token is stored as a local variable that can only be accessed by this extension.

Setup Instruction:

1. Launch Chrome web browser.
2. Go to the
3. Use the search bar to find the extension you want to download.
4. Once you find the desired extension, click on its listing to open details page.
5. On the details page, look for a button that says “Add to Chrome”.
6. Now simply click on this button, Then the browser will download and install the extension.


The process of enhancing our browser’s functionality with the word count feature is remarkably facilitated by Meeting Caller extension. In doing so, the extension not only resolves specific issues but also augments the overall functionality of the Chrome browser experience. Should you encounter any challenges during the installation of Meeting Caller extension Add-ons, please feel free to leave a comment in the section below, and I’ll promptly respond in the next replay to address your concerns.


Price: Free

Technical Information

Version: 1.3.2
File size: 408KiB
Language: English

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